Saturday, August 28, 2010


heh need to be careful with my blog..
haha i thought nobody wants to 'singgah' this house as it's always empty..
still have guest 'rupanya'..
anyway welcome..welcome..
but i'm not a good i always left it empty..=D

Thursday, August 26, 2010

just rest but don't quit

when things go wrong as they sometimes will,
when the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
when the funds are low and the debts are high,
and when you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
when care is pressing you down bit,
rest if you must, but don't you quit,

life is queer with its twists and turns,
as everyone of us sometimes learns,
and many a failure turns about.
when he might have won had he stuck it out,
don't give up though the pace seems slow
you may succeed with another blow

success is a failure turned inside out
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt
and you can never tell how close you are
it may be near when it seems so far
so stick to the tight when you're at the hardest hit
its when things seem worst that you must not quit..

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

salam ramadhan

berjumpa lagi dgn ramadhan..
ah..kali ini terasa sunyi pula..
ramai dah balik ke msia..selepas habis exam..
aku sensorang disini..meyambut ramadhan..
sambil memikirkan ttg exam yg tidak diketahui akan hasilnya..

"ya ALLAH..aku mohon apa yg terbaik untukku..kau permudahkanlah segalanya..aku mohon kekuatan untuk menghadapi segala ujianMU..semoga aku tabah dan redha akan apa yg telah dikau tentukan untukku..amin"

tidak terlalu lambat rasanya untuk mengucapkan selamat menyambut ramadhan kepada semua..salam ramadhan karim..