maaflah sekadar ucapan tahniah yg mampu saya berikan dari jauh..
1. tahniah kak aini dan siraj atas kedatangan baby baru..
muhammad hamzah farouq...
kalau berhajat untuk tengok muka baby baru di bumi czech republic ni, boleh la melawat di blog ni..rajske zahrady
2. selamat pengantin baru kepada roomate di kmb yang bakal melangsungkan perkahwinan 4hb julai 2009 ni di bangi bersama temannya yang juga pernah belajar di kmb.semoga bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat.
3. selamat pengantin baru juga kepada kak firyal dan yaqzan, senior kami di czech republic yang bakal berkahwin pada ujung bulan julai ini..
4. all the best kepada semua member yang akan mengambil exam..yosh!!!jom berusaha bertabah dan beryakin dengan semua ketentuanNya..

Begin The Day
Begin each morning with a talk to God,
And ask for your divine inheritance
Of usefulness, contentment, and success.
Resign all fear, all doubt, and all despair.
The stars doubt not, and they are undismayed,
Though whirled through space for countless centuries,
And told not why or wherefore: and the sea
With everlasting ebb and flow obeys,
And leaves the purpose with the unseen Cause.
The star sheds its radiance on a million worlds,
The sea is prodigal with waves, and yet
No lustre from the star is lost, and not
One dropp missing from the ocean tides.
Oh! brother to the star and sea, know all
God’s opulence is held in trust for those
Who wait serenely and who work in faith.
by: By Ella Wheeler Wilcox