according the statistics
people remember:
*10% of what they read
*20%of what they hear
*30%of what they see
*50%of what they hear and see
*90%of what they hear, see and do.
no wonder even i try to keep everything away from me
it keeps bothering me until now...
"listen to your heart. eventhough it is on the left side, its always right"
-should i keep on believe in this?-
"dan sungguh, akan kami isi neraka jahanam banyak dari golongan jin dan manusia. mereka memiliki hati, tetapi tidak menggunakannya untuk memahami (ayat-ayat Allah) dan mereka memiliki mata (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk melihat (tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah) dan mereka mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengarkan (ayat-ayat Allah). mereka seperti haiwan ternak bahkan lebih sesat lagi. mereka itulah orang-orang yg lengah" (7:179)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
salam ramadhan~

tak terasa bila dia pergi
tapi sayu bila dia tak kembali
mencarinya dengan hati suci
lebih indah daripada memiliki tapi tak menghargai
dia datang tanpa seruan
dia pergi tanpa alasan
kejarlah dia sebelum hilang dari pandangan
hadirnya satu anugerah yang tiada bandingan
syukur atas nikmatMU
di atas kedatangan ramadhan yang dinantikan
SaLam RamAdHan...~

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Starting Medical School: It is OK to be Nervous
to all my friends and my self
i think this article is good..enjoy read it
from medscape blogs
by: Jessica Freedman, MD, Emergency Medicine, 11:56AM Aug 8, 2009
"I am anxious."
"I am not sure I can handle the work."
"They made a mistake."
I often hear these comments from students as they are about to start medical school. For my first Medscape blog post, I thought it would be apropos to try and ease the tension of the next generation of doctors.
Self doubt is normal and, while not everyone will admit it, many people think they somehow fooled the admissions committee and the acceptance letter was actually meant for someone else. Believe me, this is simply not so. Getting into medical school is not easy and your acceptance is based on so many different criteria that mistakes rarely, if ever, happen. Indeed, feeling like a fraud is something you may experience at every major step of your career. Our evolution as physicians is gradual and on each new rung of the hierarchy (from medical student to resident to attending, etc.) you may ask yourself if you are really ready for greater responsibility.
So, you are concerned that you may not be able to handle the rigorous curriculum that is ahead of you. Don't forget that the prerequisites you took for medical school weren't exactly easy either. You did well on the MCAT (or well enough to gain acceptance to medical school). You must have faith that you possess the academic prowess to do well in medical school. Medical school admissions committees avoid accepting candidates whom they think might fail. By offering you an acceptance, they are telling you they believe in your abilities.
Your formal medical education is a new beginning. You will be surrounded by bright, motivated and like-minded peers. The people you meet will likely become some of your life-long friends and colleagues. The start of medical school also is often fun. There are social events, lots of talks (motivating, one hopes) by medical school administrators, and it isn't until that first day of anatomy that you really feel like a medical student. In contrast to many premedical classes, the environment in medical school is typically collaborative and supportive.
Many articles have been written about how depressing it is to be a medical student, but I feel differently. This is a tremendously exciting time in every doctor's life; it is your job to learn, to grow and to ask questions. Yes, you will work hard, but anything worthwhile in life requires significant time and commitment. You will meet diverse people, including your peers, resident and attending physicians, patients and staff. For many students, medical school will be their first foray into the real world; for all students, it will bring new lessons and insights. You can learn something from everyone -- every patient, physician, nurse and staff member can provide wisdom. You should learn not only about the type of doctor you hope to become but also the type of doctor you hope not to become. In this sense, every person senior to you should serve as a role model; you can learn from them all.
It would be odd if an individual about to start medical school wasn't nervous. In fact, a little anxiety is likely to help your performance. Be assured that the faculty on the admissions committee believe you have the skills to practice medicine and master the material presented to you. Feel honored that you are about to begin your formal medical education. And, don't be discouraged by some of the naysayers out there. Challenging times lie ahead, but a career in medicine will provide endless opportunities. Good luck!
i think this article is good..enjoy read it
from medscape blogs
by: Jessica Freedman, MD, Emergency Medicine, 11:56AM Aug 8, 2009
"I am anxious."
"I am not sure I can handle the work."
"They made a mistake."
I often hear these comments from students as they are about to start medical school. For my first Medscape blog post, I thought it would be apropos to try and ease the tension of the next generation of doctors.
Self doubt is normal and, while not everyone will admit it, many people think they somehow fooled the admissions committee and the acceptance letter was actually meant for someone else. Believe me, this is simply not so. Getting into medical school is not easy and your acceptance is based on so many different criteria that mistakes rarely, if ever, happen. Indeed, feeling like a fraud is something you may experience at every major step of your career. Our evolution as physicians is gradual and on each new rung of the hierarchy (from medical student to resident to attending, etc.) you may ask yourself if you are really ready for greater responsibility.
So, you are concerned that you may not be able to handle the rigorous curriculum that is ahead of you. Don't forget that the prerequisites you took for medical school weren't exactly easy either. You did well on the MCAT (or well enough to gain acceptance to medical school). You must have faith that you possess the academic prowess to do well in medical school. Medical school admissions committees avoid accepting candidates whom they think might fail. By offering you an acceptance, they are telling you they believe in your abilities.
Your formal medical education is a new beginning. You will be surrounded by bright, motivated and like-minded peers. The people you meet will likely become some of your life-long friends and colleagues. The start of medical school also is often fun. There are social events, lots of talks (motivating, one hopes) by medical school administrators, and it isn't until that first day of anatomy that you really feel like a medical student. In contrast to many premedical classes, the environment in medical school is typically collaborative and supportive.
Many articles have been written about how depressing it is to be a medical student, but I feel differently. This is a tremendously exciting time in every doctor's life; it is your job to learn, to grow and to ask questions. Yes, you will work hard, but anything worthwhile in life requires significant time and commitment. You will meet diverse people, including your peers, resident and attending physicians, patients and staff. For many students, medical school will be their first foray into the real world; for all students, it will bring new lessons and insights. You can learn something from everyone -- every patient, physician, nurse and staff member can provide wisdom. You should learn not only about the type of doctor you hope to become but also the type of doctor you hope not to become. In this sense, every person senior to you should serve as a role model; you can learn from them all.
It would be odd if an individual about to start medical school wasn't nervous. In fact, a little anxiety is likely to help your performance. Be assured that the faculty on the admissions committee believe you have the skills to practice medicine and master the material presented to you. Feel honored that you are about to begin your formal medical education. And, don't be discouraged by some of the naysayers out there. Challenging times lie ahead, but a career in medicine will provide endless opportunities. Good luck!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
don't quit
and the reason is...
"aishh..cakap senang la...meh sni try rasa sket..belajar tu camne..pastu baru ckp senang ke susah..."
"ingt senang ke belajar ni..susah tau"
"sapa kata belajar tak susah?
belajar semua susah..
kalau tak susah bukan laa belajar namanya.."
"memang laa kene baca buku je, dah namanya pun belajar..
kene la baca buku..kalau asik main je,tu bukan belajar namanya.."
macam-macam cara utk naikkan semangat yg hilang..
kenapa laa nak konfius..
kenapa laa nak pikir apa yg bakal berlaku nnti..
teruskan sahaja jalan yg ada..
kalau dok menanguk kat tgh2 jalan tu..
macam mana nak tau apa ending dia..
when things go wrong as they sometimes will
when the road you're trudging seems all uphill
when the funds are low and the debts are high
and when you want to smile, but you have to sigh
when care is pressing you down a bit
rest if you must, but don't you quit
life is queer with its twist and turns
as everyone of us sometimes learns
and many adventure turns about
when he might be here won had he stuck it out
don't give up though the pace seems slow
you may succeed with aother blow
you success is failure turned inside out
the silver tint of the clouds of doubts
and you never can tell how close you are
it may be near when it seems so far
so stick to the tight when you're hardest hit
its when things seem worst that you must not quit
this poem is credit to the person who made it..i'm sorry i don't know who are you..but thank you for make this poem as it really give me strength when i read it.
"aishh..cakap senang la...meh sni try rasa sket..belajar tu camne..pastu baru ckp senang ke susah..."
"ingt senang ke belajar ni..susah tau"
"sapa kata belajar tak susah?
belajar semua susah..
kalau tak susah bukan laa belajar namanya.."
"memang laa kene baca buku je, dah namanya pun belajar..
kene la baca buku..kalau asik main je,tu bukan belajar namanya.."
macam-macam cara utk naikkan semangat yg hilang..
kenapa laa nak konfius..
kenapa laa nak pikir apa yg bakal berlaku nnti..
teruskan sahaja jalan yg ada..
kalau dok menanguk kat tgh2 jalan tu..
macam mana nak tau apa ending dia..
when things go wrong as they sometimes will
when the road you're trudging seems all uphill
when the funds are low and the debts are high
and when you want to smile, but you have to sigh
when care is pressing you down a bit
rest if you must, but don't you quit
life is queer with its twist and turns
as everyone of us sometimes learns
and many adventure turns about
when he might be here won had he stuck it out
don't give up though the pace seems slow
you may succeed with aother blow
you success is failure turned inside out
the silver tint of the clouds of doubts
and you never can tell how close you are
it may be near when it seems so far
so stick to the tight when you're hardest hit
its when things seem worst that you must not quit
this poem is credit to the person who made it..i'm sorry i don't know who are you..but thank you for make this poem as it really give me strength when i read it.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
happy anniversary
happy anniversary...
a lot of things happen today...
my father's birthday...-happy birthday dad
nisfu syaaban..-alhamdullilah ada lagi 15 days utk ramadhan..
and my blog anniversary...
have to keep fighting and not quit..
this is the tough time that i should try to keep moving and face with faith..
a lot of things happen today...
my father's birthday...-happy birthday dad
nisfu syaaban..-alhamdullilah ada lagi 15 days utk ramadhan..
and my blog anniversary...
have to keep fighting and not quit..
this is the tough time that i should try to keep moving and face with faith..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
thinking about my choice
as i read this article..
i should have faith in what i'm doing..
i have to find my own way to make this choice is the best and and interesting..
have fun in study medicine is the important thing i should think when i pursue my study..
well i have something to share with all my friends...
this article helo me to think positive and become optimistic...
i hope it can help you too...
The path to becoming a physician is nothing if not long. And once you set upon that path, your life seems to have been decided. There are exceptions, of course. Dr. Robert Jarvik invented the first artificial heart used in a human without ever having practiced medicine. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Michael Crichton were both physicians who pursued literary careers. And one physician even became Pope. In general, a degree in medicine opens a smaller variety of doors than many other advanced degrees do, such as those in law or business.
That may explain why Dr. Joseph Kim has such an interest in nonclinical opportunities for clinicians -- physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals. He uses his blog, Medicine and Technology, to explore careers in consulting, entrepreneurship, medical education, the pharmaceutical industry, and more. He encourages clinicians who are no longer interested in the traditional practice of medicine to consider other careers:
First, ask yourself what you enjoy. After all, if you don't enjoy clinical medicine, you don't want to end up doing something else you're not going to enjoy. Then, start networking like crazy. Leverage all the online social networking sites (like LinkedIn, Facebook, Plaxo, etc.) and get reconnected with old colleagues, classmates, and friends. Find out what people are doing. They may help you get connected to some key people. You may find some of the best opportunities this way. If you're a woman, you may want to check out MomMD ( and join a community of women who are seeking non-clinical opportunities ranging from part-time to full-time work.
Medicine and Technology hosts Grand Rounds
July 14, 2009
In that same post, Dr. Kim describes opportunities within the healthcare system but outside traditional practice, such as programs developed in managed care:
Managed care organizations are always looking for better disease management programs for their plans. Some MCOs develop their own DM plans and others outsource them to external companies. These companies create and deliver various services to managed care organizations, including DM, wellness programs, personal health record (PHR) services, etc. Do you ever get educational pamphlets from your own health plan? Who puts them together? Who designs and develops these wellness and preventive health programs?
Dr. Kim even has advice for medical students who are thinking about forgoing residency:
Are you absolutely certain that you don't enjoy clinical medicine? It may be much more difficult to go back to a residency later in your life. Have you explored Preventive Medicine/Public Health? Have you considered part-time work? To get to some of the best opportunities, you may need to start in a clinical career, get some experience, and then transition out of clinical medicine.
The topic of what to do with a medical degree might have once raised eyebrows: You took care of patients, period. But Dr. Kim represents a new way of thinking about the delivery of healthcare.
This week, Dr. Kim turns his innovative mind to Grand Rounds, the blog carnival that features highlights from other medical bloggers, including clinicians and patients. Stop by to sample the blogosphere, and pick up a little career advice in the process.
this article does not belong to me..
you can read directly at medscape webpage.
i'm really thankful to the author for having this article at this time..
hopefully i can put this in mind..
i should cherish what i have now..
i should have faith in what i'm doing..
i have to find my own way to make this choice is the best and and interesting..
have fun in study medicine is the important thing i should think when i pursue my study..
well i have something to share with all my friends...
this article helo me to think positive and become optimistic...
i hope it can help you too...
The path to becoming a physician is nothing if not long. And once you set upon that path, your life seems to have been decided. There are exceptions, of course. Dr. Robert Jarvik invented the first artificial heart used in a human without ever having practiced medicine. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Michael Crichton were both physicians who pursued literary careers. And one physician even became Pope. In general, a degree in medicine opens a smaller variety of doors than many other advanced degrees do, such as those in law or business.
That may explain why Dr. Joseph Kim has such an interest in nonclinical opportunities for clinicians -- physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals. He uses his blog, Medicine and Technology, to explore careers in consulting, entrepreneurship, medical education, the pharmaceutical industry, and more. He encourages clinicians who are no longer interested in the traditional practice of medicine to consider other careers:
First, ask yourself what you enjoy. After all, if you don't enjoy clinical medicine, you don't want to end up doing something else you're not going to enjoy. Then, start networking like crazy. Leverage all the online social networking sites (like LinkedIn, Facebook, Plaxo, etc.) and get reconnected with old colleagues, classmates, and friends. Find out what people are doing. They may help you get connected to some key people. You may find some of the best opportunities this way. If you're a woman, you may want to check out MomMD ( and join a community of women who are seeking non-clinical opportunities ranging from part-time to full-time work.
Medicine and Technology hosts Grand Rounds
July 14, 2009
In that same post, Dr. Kim describes opportunities within the healthcare system but outside traditional practice, such as programs developed in managed care:
Managed care organizations are always looking for better disease management programs for their plans. Some MCOs develop their own DM plans and others outsource them to external companies. These companies create and deliver various services to managed care organizations, including DM, wellness programs, personal health record (PHR) services, etc. Do you ever get educational pamphlets from your own health plan? Who puts them together? Who designs and develops these wellness and preventive health programs?
Dr. Kim even has advice for medical students who are thinking about forgoing residency:
Are you absolutely certain that you don't enjoy clinical medicine? It may be much more difficult to go back to a residency later in your life. Have you explored Preventive Medicine/Public Health? Have you considered part-time work? To get to some of the best opportunities, you may need to start in a clinical career, get some experience, and then transition out of clinical medicine.
The topic of what to do with a medical degree might have once raised eyebrows: You took care of patients, period. But Dr. Kim represents a new way of thinking about the delivery of healthcare.
This week, Dr. Kim turns his innovative mind to Grand Rounds, the blog carnival that features highlights from other medical bloggers, including clinicians and patients. Stop by to sample the blogosphere, and pick up a little career advice in the process.
this article does not belong to me..
you can read directly at medscape webpage.
i'm really thankful to the author for having this article at this time..
hopefully i can put this in mind..
i should cherish what i have now..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
new face
setelah sekian lama..hari ini dia berwajah baru..
takdelah baru sgt..masih gunakan template yg ada...
huhu..semoga tuannya juga berwajah baru..lebih semangat menempuhi kehidupan yg sedia ada...
takdelah baru sgt..masih gunakan template yg ada...
huhu..semoga tuannya juga berwajah baru..lebih semangat menempuhi kehidupan yg sedia ada...
pass/fail in medical school
i just read an article from medscape..
the system we use here is pass/fail system with grade which are good,very good and excellent..
i just want to share the impact of this system in our life later..
A Change to Pass/Fail Grading in the First Two Years at One Medical School Results in Improved Psychological Well-Being
Purpose: To measure the impact of a change in grading system in the first two years of medical school, from graded (A, B, C, D, F) to pass/fail, on medical students' academic performance, attendance, residency match, satisfaction, and psychological well-being.
Method: For both the graded and pass/fail classes, objective data were collected on academic performance in the first- and second-year courses, the clerkships, United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Steps 1 and 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and residency placement. Self-report data were collected using a Web survey (which included the Dupuy General Well-Being Schedule) administered each of the first four semesters of medical school. The study was conducted from 2002 to 2007 at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.
Results: The pass/fail class exhibited a significant increase in well-being during each of the first three semesters of medical school relative to the graded class, greater satisfaction with the quality of their medical education during the first four semesters of medical school, and greater satisfaction with their personal lives during the first three semesters of medical school. The graded and pass/fail classes showed no significant differences in performance in first- and second-year courses, grades in clerkships, scores on USMLE Step 1 and Step 2CK, success in residency placement, and attendance at academic activities.
Conclusions: A change in grading from letter grades to pass/fail in the first two years of medical school conferred distinct advantages to medical students, in terms of improved psychological well-being and satisfaction, without any reduction in performance in courses or clerkships, USMLE test scores, success in residency placement, or level of attendance.
In recent years, U.S. medical schools have used a variety of grading systems, particularly in the first two years of medical school. The most recent data available from the Association of American Medical Colleges Web site ( show the following breakdown of the grading systems used by medical schools for the required basic sciences portion of the curriculum: two intervals (usually pass/fail) = 40 schools, three intervals (usually pass/fail/honors) = 35 schools, four intervals (usually pass/fail/honors/high honors) = 32 schools, and five intervals (usually A, B, C, D, F) = 26 schools. These data suggest that there is currently no consensus on the most appropriate grading system in the early years of medical school. In addition, there are few useful data available to guide decision making in this area.[1-5]
Medical school is inherently stressful.[6-8] The principal attraction in moving toward a pass/fail grading system lies in the expectation that it will improve students' psychological well-being (reduce stress and anxiety), decrease competitiveness, and promote cooperative learning. However, for medical schools contemplating a change from a traditional graded (A, B, C, D, F) system to a pass/fail system, concerns may include (1) a decline in attendance at scheduled educational activities, (2) a decline in academic performance, (3) a decline in United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 scores, and (4) reduced success in residency placement.
A University of Virginia School of Medicine faculty committee examined the literature on medical student grading systems (and its relationship to academic performance), medical student well-being, and residency placement. The committee surveyed current medical students and faculty regarding their preferences for grading systems and gathered data on grading policies at other medical schools. Based on these preliminary measures, in the spring of 2002, the decision was made to switch from a five-interval (A, B, C, D, F) to a two-interval (pass/fail) grading system for each individual course in the first two years of medical school. The change in grading system was introduced with the class of 2007 (the class entering medical school in the fall of 2003).
The faculty committee that recommended the switch to pass/fail grading hypothesized that the change from a graded to a pass/fail system would result in no change in attendance at scheduled academic activities, no change in academic performance in courses and clerkships, no change in performance on USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK) exams, and no change in residency placement success. However, it was predicted that this change in grading system would improve students' well-being, increase satisfaction with their medical education, and affect their time utilization (e.g., allow more risk taking in terms of time allocation to activities not directly related to the medical curriculum). A comprehensive assessment of the impact of the change in the grading system at the University of Virginia School of Medicine has been conducted, the results of which we report here. R.A.B. cochaired the grading study committee, designed the study, collected the data, and wrote the paper. J.G.S. was a member of the grading study committee and assisted in study design and data analysis. J.M.J. designed the online survey tool and assisted in data collection and processing. J.R.M. did all of the statistical analysis of the data.
by:Robert A. Bloodgood, PhD; Jerry G. Short, PhD; John M. Jackson, MS; James R. Martindale, PhD
Published: 06/29/2009
the system we use here is pass/fail system with grade which are good,very good and excellent..
i just want to share the impact of this system in our life later..
A Change to Pass/Fail Grading in the First Two Years at One Medical School Results in Improved Psychological Well-Being
Purpose: To measure the impact of a change in grading system in the first two years of medical school, from graded (A, B, C, D, F) to pass/fail, on medical students' academic performance, attendance, residency match, satisfaction, and psychological well-being.
Method: For both the graded and pass/fail classes, objective data were collected on academic performance in the first- and second-year courses, the clerkships, United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Steps 1 and 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and residency placement. Self-report data were collected using a Web survey (which included the Dupuy General Well-Being Schedule) administered each of the first four semesters of medical school. The study was conducted from 2002 to 2007 at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.
Results: The pass/fail class exhibited a significant increase in well-being during each of the first three semesters of medical school relative to the graded class, greater satisfaction with the quality of their medical education during the first four semesters of medical school, and greater satisfaction with their personal lives during the first three semesters of medical school. The graded and pass/fail classes showed no significant differences in performance in first- and second-year courses, grades in clerkships, scores on USMLE Step 1 and Step 2CK, success in residency placement, and attendance at academic activities.
Conclusions: A change in grading from letter grades to pass/fail in the first two years of medical school conferred distinct advantages to medical students, in terms of improved psychological well-being and satisfaction, without any reduction in performance in courses or clerkships, USMLE test scores, success in residency placement, or level of attendance.
In recent years, U.S. medical schools have used a variety of grading systems, particularly in the first two years of medical school. The most recent data available from the Association of American Medical Colleges Web site ( show the following breakdown of the grading systems used by medical schools for the required basic sciences portion of the curriculum: two intervals (usually pass/fail) = 40 schools, three intervals (usually pass/fail/honors) = 35 schools, four intervals (usually pass/fail/honors/high honors) = 32 schools, and five intervals (usually A, B, C, D, F) = 26 schools. These data suggest that there is currently no consensus on the most appropriate grading system in the early years of medical school. In addition, there are few useful data available to guide decision making in this area.[1-5]
Medical school is inherently stressful.[6-8] The principal attraction in moving toward a pass/fail grading system lies in the expectation that it will improve students' psychological well-being (reduce stress and anxiety), decrease competitiveness, and promote cooperative learning. However, for medical schools contemplating a change from a traditional graded (A, B, C, D, F) system to a pass/fail system, concerns may include (1) a decline in attendance at scheduled educational activities, (2) a decline in academic performance, (3) a decline in United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 scores, and (4) reduced success in residency placement.
A University of Virginia School of Medicine faculty committee examined the literature on medical student grading systems (and its relationship to academic performance), medical student well-being, and residency placement. The committee surveyed current medical students and faculty regarding their preferences for grading systems and gathered data on grading policies at other medical schools. Based on these preliminary measures, in the spring of 2002, the decision was made to switch from a five-interval (A, B, C, D, F) to a two-interval (pass/fail) grading system for each individual course in the first two years of medical school. The change in grading system was introduced with the class of 2007 (the class entering medical school in the fall of 2003).
The faculty committee that recommended the switch to pass/fail grading hypothesized that the change from a graded to a pass/fail system would result in no change in attendance at scheduled academic activities, no change in academic performance in courses and clerkships, no change in performance on USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK) exams, and no change in residency placement success. However, it was predicted that this change in grading system would improve students' well-being, increase satisfaction with their medical education, and affect their time utilization (e.g., allow more risk taking in terms of time allocation to activities not directly related to the medical curriculum). A comprehensive assessment of the impact of the change in the grading system at the University of Virginia School of Medicine has been conducted, the results of which we report here. R.A.B. cochaired the grading study committee, designed the study, collected the data, and wrote the paper. J.G.S. was a member of the grading study committee and assisted in study design and data analysis. J.M.J. designed the online survey tool and assisted in data collection and processing. J.R.M. did all of the statistical analysis of the data.
by:Robert A. Bloodgood, PhD; Jerry G. Short, PhD; John M. Jackson, MS; James R. Martindale, PhD
Published: 06/29/2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
short greetings
pelbagai event yang berlaku summer ni...
maaflah sekadar ucapan tahniah yg mampu saya berikan dari jauh..
1. tahniah kak aini dan siraj atas kedatangan baby baru..
muhammad hamzah farouq...
kalau berhajat untuk tengok muka baby baru di bumi czech republic ni, boleh la melawat di blog ni..rajske zahrady
2. selamat pengantin baru kepada roomate di kmb yang bakal melangsungkan perkahwinan 4hb julai 2009 ni di bangi bersama temannya yang juga pernah belajar di kmb.semoga bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat.
3. selamat pengantin baru juga kepada kak firyal dan yaqzan, senior kami di czech republic yang bakal berkahwin pada ujung bulan julai ini..
4. all the best kepada semua member yang akan mengambil exam..yosh!!!jom berusaha bertabah dan beryakin dengan semua ketentuanNya..

Begin The Day
Begin each morning with a talk to God,
And ask for your divine inheritance
Of usefulness, contentment, and success.
Resign all fear, all doubt, and all despair.
The stars doubt not, and they are undismayed,
Though whirled through space for countless centuries,
And told not why or wherefore: and the sea
With everlasting ebb and flow obeys,
And leaves the purpose with the unseen Cause.
The star sheds its radiance on a million worlds,
The sea is prodigal with waves, and yet
No lustre from the star is lost, and not
One dropp missing from the ocean tides.
Oh! brother to the star and sea, know all
God’s opulence is held in trust for those
Who wait serenely and who work in faith.
by: By Ella Wheeler Wilcox
maaflah sekadar ucapan tahniah yg mampu saya berikan dari jauh..
1. tahniah kak aini dan siraj atas kedatangan baby baru..
muhammad hamzah farouq...
kalau berhajat untuk tengok muka baby baru di bumi czech republic ni, boleh la melawat di blog ni..rajske zahrady
2. selamat pengantin baru kepada roomate di kmb yang bakal melangsungkan perkahwinan 4hb julai 2009 ni di bangi bersama temannya yang juga pernah belajar di kmb.semoga bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat.
3. selamat pengantin baru juga kepada kak firyal dan yaqzan, senior kami di czech republic yang bakal berkahwin pada ujung bulan julai ini..
4. all the best kepada semua member yang akan mengambil exam..yosh!!!jom berusaha bertabah dan beryakin dengan semua ketentuanNya..

Begin The Day
Begin each morning with a talk to God,
And ask for your divine inheritance
Of usefulness, contentment, and success.
Resign all fear, all doubt, and all despair.
The stars doubt not, and they are undismayed,
Though whirled through space for countless centuries,
And told not why or wherefore: and the sea
With everlasting ebb and flow obeys,
And leaves the purpose with the unseen Cause.
The star sheds its radiance on a million worlds,
The sea is prodigal with waves, and yet
No lustre from the star is lost, and not
One dropp missing from the ocean tides.
Oh! brother to the star and sea, know all
God’s opulence is held in trust for those
Who wait serenely and who work in faith.
by: By Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
gold soul
almost exhausted sitting in my small room
waiting for the time
i found this..
energetic song..
have the deepest meaning
especially for me..
who almost drown in my own world...
Ougon Soul - Shonannokaze
Sono tobira
PURAIDO nado nage utte Dead or Alive
katsu made
tachi agare agare osorezu ni mae he
hashire hashire buttaoreru made
agare agare ichika bachika
nara omae no ashira imayorimashi ka kakete miru ima
tachi agare agare kabuchi yabutte
hashire hashire korogari tsudzuke
agare sadame (/unmei no) naka de sakase ougon soul(tama)
douze umaku ikanai sa
shakai ni fumitsukerareru mawari oki ni shite
fumi dasenai ni ha otona ni natta kara ka?
kagami ni utsuru sugata ni nakayubi wo tate
nanika ki ni kuwa nee to riyuu wo tsukete
nigete shimau no ha GAKI no mama dakara ka?
kinou futo yume wo mita yo itsuka umarete kuru kodomo no
egao to nakigao ni yakusoku tsuyoku naru kara!
naguru yori nagurareru otoko yaburu yori mamori nuku otoko no
karasa wo shiru koto tsukami kakete shiawase wo mamoru tame
jibun rashiku ikite iru no ka?
kotae bakka oikakete shinu no ka?
futsuu de heibon kake ni dete seikou
mayoi komu eikou to zasetsu no meiro
omae ha hitori jinsei ha ikkai CHANSU ha ippai
osoreru shippai
kore ga zettei nannte zettei nee
dakara ikite ikite ikite hisshi de!
ikite keba mitsukaruze jibun dake no michi he no kikkake
Hey! Madamada tari nee no ni akirameten ja
nee motto funpare!
yo! chippoke na nayami nante no ha atte nai
you na mon dase!
HORA yatte nanbo daro tada tsuttatte mattetatte
baka wo miru dake sa!
jissai ugoki dashita tte nani ga dekiru ka
nante kottaa wakakara nee ga
issei shakai no haguruma ni ichibu nanka de owatteta marukatte
rippa na otona ni nante narenakuttatte nigeru na madamada
yukkuri datte iinda ari no mama de
wagamama ni ikiru koto ha sunao ni ikiteru akashi da
ira dachi ikari okoru no mo sore dake shinkei tte akashi da
kanashimi karashiru yorokobi sabishii kara koso shirunukumori
nigeru no mo yuuki tatakau mo yuuki jitto suwaru nee de
Break through that door!!
Give up your pride, dead or alive
Until you win
Stand up, get up, and go forward without fear
Run, run, until you collapse
Get up, get up, if it's sink or swim
Then try putting your tomorrow on the line instead of the moment, right now
Stand up, get up, break down the wall
Run, run, keep on tumbling
Get up, make your gold soul bloom within your fate
"Things won't go well at all"
Trampled on by society, I'm concerned about my surroundings
Is the reason that I can't take a step forward that I've grown up?
I give the finger to my reflection in the mirror
With the reason that there's something that I just can't stomach
Is the reason that I run away that I'm still a kid?
Yesterday I suddenly had a dream; I made a promise to the
Smiles and tear-stained faces of children who will be born one day: "I'll be strong!"
I know the pain of being a man who protects 'till the end instead of destroying
Being a man who takes a hit instead of giving one; It's to protect the happiness that I half-grasped
Are you living your life the way you want to?
Are you going to die having only chased after the answers?
Normal and commonplace; Hitting it big on a bet
You've lost your way in a maze of glory and frustration
You're a single person and there's only one life; You've got all kinds of chances and you're afraid of making mistakes
"It's a sure thing, yeah right. Nothing is for sure"
So live, live, live your life frantically!
If you live your life, the chance to head down your very own road will be found
Hey! Even though it's not enough, don't give up; Keep holding out!
Yo! It's like something that doesn't fit your little worries!
Hey, how many times are you gonna do it? You're just standing there and waiting, making a fool of yourself!
Actually, you don't know what could start happening
But will your life end up being just another piece in the gears of society?
Don't run away from not being able to become a fine adult, keep going
Doing it little by little is fine, to be honest
Living your life selfishly is proof of living your life honestly
Frustration and anger; Being angry is proof of being earnest
You know happiness because of sadness, you know warmth because of loneliness
Running away is courage, fighting is courage; Just don't sit there and do nothing
just do it..
everything is fine..
you are still learning..
don't afraid to make mistakes as mistakes is a great teacher..
don't stumble there and see everything happen without doing nothing..
go for it..
take the chances..
you will find something inside it..
waiting for the time
i found this..
energetic song..
have the deepest meaning
especially for me..
who almost drown in my own world...
Ougon Soul - Shonannokaze
Sono tobira
PURAIDO nado nage utte Dead or Alive
katsu made
tachi agare agare osorezu ni mae he
hashire hashire buttaoreru made
agare agare ichika bachika
nara omae no ashira imayorimashi ka kakete miru ima
tachi agare agare kabuchi yabutte
hashire hashire korogari tsudzuke
agare sadame (/unmei no) naka de sakase ougon soul(tama)
douze umaku ikanai sa
shakai ni fumitsukerareru mawari oki ni shite
fumi dasenai ni ha otona ni natta kara ka?
kagami ni utsuru sugata ni nakayubi wo tate
nanika ki ni kuwa nee to riyuu wo tsukete
nigete shimau no ha GAKI no mama dakara ka?
kinou futo yume wo mita yo itsuka umarete kuru kodomo no
egao to nakigao ni yakusoku tsuyoku naru kara!
naguru yori nagurareru otoko yaburu yori mamori nuku otoko no
karasa wo shiru koto tsukami kakete shiawase wo mamoru tame
jibun rashiku ikite iru no ka?
kotae bakka oikakete shinu no ka?
futsuu de heibon kake ni dete seikou
mayoi komu eikou to zasetsu no meiro
omae ha hitori jinsei ha ikkai CHANSU ha ippai
osoreru shippai
kore ga zettei nannte zettei nee
dakara ikite ikite ikite hisshi de!
ikite keba mitsukaruze jibun dake no michi he no kikkake
Hey! Madamada tari nee no ni akirameten ja
nee motto funpare!
yo! chippoke na nayami nante no ha atte nai
you na mon dase!
HORA yatte nanbo daro tada tsuttatte mattetatte
baka wo miru dake sa!
jissai ugoki dashita tte nani ga dekiru ka
nante kottaa wakakara nee ga
issei shakai no haguruma ni ichibu nanka de owatteta marukatte
rippa na otona ni nante narenakuttatte nigeru na madamada
yukkuri datte iinda ari no mama de
wagamama ni ikiru koto ha sunao ni ikiteru akashi da
ira dachi ikari okoru no mo sore dake shinkei tte akashi da
kanashimi karashiru yorokobi sabishii kara koso shirunukumori
nigeru no mo yuuki tatakau mo yuuki jitto suwaru nee de
Break through that door!!
Give up your pride, dead or alive
Until you win
Stand up, get up, and go forward without fear
Run, run, until you collapse
Get up, get up, if it's sink or swim
Then try putting your tomorrow on the line instead of the moment, right now
Stand up, get up, break down the wall
Run, run, keep on tumbling
Get up, make your gold soul bloom within your fate
"Things won't go well at all"
Trampled on by society, I'm concerned about my surroundings
Is the reason that I can't take a step forward that I've grown up?
I give the finger to my reflection in the mirror
With the reason that there's something that I just can't stomach
Is the reason that I run away that I'm still a kid?
Yesterday I suddenly had a dream; I made a promise to the
Smiles and tear-stained faces of children who will be born one day: "I'll be strong!"
I know the pain of being a man who protects 'till the end instead of destroying
Being a man who takes a hit instead of giving one; It's to protect the happiness that I half-grasped
Are you living your life the way you want to?
Are you going to die having only chased after the answers?
Normal and commonplace; Hitting it big on a bet
You've lost your way in a maze of glory and frustration
You're a single person and there's only one life; You've got all kinds of chances and you're afraid of making mistakes
"It's a sure thing, yeah right. Nothing is for sure"
So live, live, live your life frantically!
If you live your life, the chance to head down your very own road will be found
Hey! Even though it's not enough, don't give up; Keep holding out!
Yo! It's like something that doesn't fit your little worries!
Hey, how many times are you gonna do it? You're just standing there and waiting, making a fool of yourself!
Actually, you don't know what could start happening
But will your life end up being just another piece in the gears of society?
Don't run away from not being able to become a fine adult, keep going
Doing it little by little is fine, to be honest
Living your life selfishly is proof of living your life honestly
Frustration and anger; Being angry is proof of being earnest
You know happiness because of sadness, you know warmth because of loneliness
Running away is courage, fighting is courage; Just don't sit there and do nothing
just do it..
everything is fine..
you are still learning..
don't afraid to make mistakes as mistakes is a great teacher..
don't stumble there and see everything happen without doing nothing..
go for it..
take the chances..
you will find something inside it..
Thursday, May 7, 2009
karangan: Dr.'Aidh Abdullah Al-Qarni (pengarang Jangan Bersedih)
pengemis: berikanlah kepadaku, kerana aku lapar
Org2 itu menjawab: sekarang kami belum memperolehi roti
pengemis: kalau begitu, berikanlah kepadaku segenggam tepung
org2 itu menjawab: kami tidak memiliki tepung
pengemis: secawan air ada?aku haus
org2 itu menjawab: sampai sekarang belum ada org yang memberi kami air
pengemis: kalau begitu berilah aku setitis minyak rambut untuk aku meminyaki rambutku
org2 itu menjawab: dari mana akami memperoleh minyak rambut?
pengemis: kalau begitu kenapa kalian duduk disini? jom, mari kita mengemis bersama!!
renung-renungkanlah dalam gurauan ada makna yang tersembunyi
pengemis: berikanlah kepadaku, kerana aku lapar
Org2 itu menjawab: sekarang kami belum memperolehi roti
pengemis: kalau begitu, berikanlah kepadaku segenggam tepung
org2 itu menjawab: kami tidak memiliki tepung
pengemis: secawan air ada?aku haus
org2 itu menjawab: sampai sekarang belum ada org yang memberi kami air
pengemis: kalau begitu berilah aku setitis minyak rambut untuk aku meminyaki rambutku
org2 itu menjawab: dari mana akami memperoleh minyak rambut?
pengemis: kalau begitu kenapa kalian duduk disini? jom, mari kita mengemis bersama!!
renung-renungkanlah dalam gurauan ada makna yang tersembunyi
Sunday, May 3, 2009
jadilah yang terbaik
Jadilah yg terbaik….
Jika tidak jd pohon di puncak bukit
Jadilah belukar di dalam lmbah,
Tetapi jadilah belukar terindah di pinggir gunung…
jika tidak jd pohon,
Jadilah renek pyeri tmn,
Jika tidak jd renek yg mghijau
Jdilah rumput pghias dan pghibur d lbuhraya….
Jika tidak jd sebarau jdlah seluang
Tetapi selung terlincah di tasik desa,
Tidak smua akan jd nakhoda, ada yg perlu mnjadi kelasinya….
Ada bahagian utk kita smua…
Ada tugas bsar yg perlu dlaksana..
Ada yg kecil perlu dsumbang…
Dan tugas bsar yg perlu dlaksana adalah terhampir…
Jika tidak jd lbuhraya, jdlah denai…
Jika tidak jd suria, jadilah bintang…
Bukan mnntukan kita mnang atau kalah..
Jdlah terbaik dlm ape shj…
(Dipetik oleh 'abg nas' dr majalah al jihad KISAS)
kata2 ni di tag oleh seorang kawan sekolah menengah..hampir 7 tahun tak jumpa dia..
thanks farid..=)
Jika tidak jd pohon di puncak bukit
Jadilah belukar di dalam lmbah,
Tetapi jadilah belukar terindah di pinggir gunung…
jika tidak jd pohon,
Jadilah renek pyeri tmn,
Jika tidak jd renek yg mghijau
Jdilah rumput pghias dan pghibur d lbuhraya….
Jika tidak jd sebarau jdlah seluang
Tetapi selung terlincah di tasik desa,
Tidak smua akan jd nakhoda, ada yg perlu mnjadi kelasinya….
Ada bahagian utk kita smua…
Ada tugas bsar yg perlu dlaksana..
Ada yg kecil perlu dsumbang…
Dan tugas bsar yg perlu dlaksana adalah terhampir…
Jika tidak jd lbuhraya, jdlah denai…
Jika tidak jd suria, jadilah bintang…
Bukan mnntukan kita mnang atau kalah..
Jdlah terbaik dlm ape shj…
(Dipetik oleh 'abg nas' dr majalah al jihad KISAS)
kata2 ni di tag oleh seorang kawan sekolah menengah..hampir 7 tahun tak jumpa dia..
thanks farid..=)
kem eksplorasi minda 2009
sesiapa yg berminat utk join jadi faci bg KEM borneo 2009 bole laa lawat website ni..
semuanya adalah sendirian berhad..insyallah penginapan dan makanan ditaja oleh sekolah..mungkin yg perlu dibayar adalah tiket kapal terbang..
sebarang soalan boleh laa tanya saya atau pun pengarah program ni..
kem ekspolarasi minda 2009
program ni di bawah
insyallah..saya akan cuba cari poster untuk prgram kem borneo tersebut...
jom join bersama =)
semuanya adalah sendirian berhad..insyallah penginapan dan makanan ditaja oleh sekolah..mungkin yg perlu dibayar adalah tiket kapal terbang..
sebarang soalan boleh laa tanya saya atau pun pengarah program ni..
kem ekspolarasi minda 2009
program ni di bawah
insyallah..saya akan cuba cari poster untuk prgram kem borneo tersebut...
jom join bersama =)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ya Allah..Kau permudahkanlah pembelajaran temanku ini, agar dia bisa mencelup berjuta ilmuMU. KAU tenangkan mindanya, agar dia berkayuh di atas bumiMU sbaik yg mungkin, KAU sucikan hati dan fikirannya, agar dia bisa menghafaz ayat2 kitabMU, KAU jauhkan zahir dan batinnya dari maksiat, agar dia merasai btapa manisnya hidup bersama ILAHI.ya Allah..kau tunjukkanlah kepadanya jalan yang dipayungi dengan keredhaan Mu,
kau jauhilah dia dari jalan yang membawa kemungkaran kepadaMu..
Hanya engkaulah tuhan yang aku sembah dan hanya kepada kaulah aku memohon pertolongan
kau jauhilah dia dari jalan yang membawa kemungkaran kepadaMu..
Hanya engkaulah tuhan yang aku sembah dan hanya kepada kaulah aku memohon pertolongan
Friday, April 17, 2009
jawatan kosong untuk diisi

A. Ahli Syurga Dari Awal.
B.. Ahli Neraka Dari Awal.
C. Ahli Neraka Sementara Kemudian Akan Dila ntik Jadi Ahli Syurga.
EMPAT GANJARAN LUMAYAN (khas untuk jawatan A):
1. Nikmat kubur.
2. Perlindungan di Padang Mahsyar.
3. Keselamatan Meniti Titian Sirat.
4. Syurga yang kekal abadi.
Bila-bila masa secara adhoc bermula dari saat membaca iklan ini.
Di dalam kubur (alam barzakh).
Anda tidak perlu bawa siji-sijil,termasuk sijil saham termasuk saham Internet.
Anda tidak perlu bawa pingat , Mercedes mata belalang atau kad kredit.
Anda tidak perlu bawa wang atau harta serta emas yang anda kumpul.
Anda tidak perlu berparas rupa yg cantik, hensem atau berbadan tegap atau seksi.
Sila bawa dokumen asal iaitu : Iman dan Amal serta sedekah jariah sebagai sokongan.
Mungkar dan Nakir.
1. Siapa Tuhan anda?
2. Apa Agama anda?
3. Siapa Nabi anda?
4. Apa K ita b anda?
5. Di mana Kiblat anda?
6. Siapa Saudara anda?
Anda cuma perlu menunggu penjemput yang berkaliber untuk menjemput anda. Ia akan menjemput anda pada bila-bila masa saja (mungkin sekejap lagi). Ia akan berlembut kepada orang-orang tertentu dan akan bengis kepada orang-orang tertentu.
Ia diberi nama Izrail.
Hadis Hasan yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad Hanbal, yang bermaksud begini:
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W:
'Sesungguhnya apabila jenazah seseorang itu diletakkan di dalam kuburnya, sesungguhnya jenazah itu mendengar suara (terompah kasut) orang-orang yang menghantarnya ke kubur pada saat mereka meninggalkan tempat itu. Jika mayat itu seorang muslim, maka solat yang dilakukannya ketika beliau masih hidup di dunia akan diletakkan di kepalanya, puasanya diletakkan disebelah kanannya, zakatnya diletakkan di sebelah kirinya dan amalan kebajikan daripada sedekahjariah, silaturrahim, perkara kebajikan dan ihsan diletakkan dihujung dua kakinya.' Ia akan didatangi malaikat dari aras kepala, maka solat itu berkata kepada malaikat : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk. Kemudian malaikat berpindah ke sebelah kanan, maka puasa berkata kepadanya : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk. Kemudian malaikat berpindah kesebelah kiri, maka zakat berkata kepadanya : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk.
Kemudian di datangi dari arah kedua hujung kakinya dan berkatalah amal-kebajikan : di bahagianku tidak ada jalan masuk. Maka malaikat berkata kepadanya : Duduklah kamu. Kepadanya (mayat) memperlihatkan matahari yang sudah mula terbenam, lalu malaikat bertanya kepada mayat itu : Apakah pandangan kamu tentang seorang laki-laki (Muhammad) yang kamu dahulu sentiasa bercakap tentangnya; dan bagaimana penyaksian kamu kepadanya? Maka berkata mayat itu : Tinggalkan aku sebentar, aku hendak sembahyang. Maka berkata malaikat : Sesungguhnya engkau akan mengerjakan solat (boleh saja solat) tetapi jawab dahulu apa yang kami tanya ini. Apakah pandangan kamu tentang seorang laki -laki (Muhammad) yang kamu dahulu sentiasa bercakap tentangnya; dan bagaimana penyaksian kamu kepada nya? Maka berkata mayat itu: Laki-laki itu ialah! Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan aku naik saksi bahawa nabi Muhammad saw itu ialah pesuruh Allah yang membawa kebenaran daripada Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Maka malaikat berkata kepada mayat itu : Demikianlah kamu dihidupkan dan begitu juga kamu dimatikan dan dengan demikian juga kamu dibangkitkan semula diakhirat insya'Allah. Kemudian dibuka baginya satu pintu syurga, maka dikata padanya itulah tempat kamu dan itulah janji Allah bagi kamu dan kamu akan berada di dalamnya. Maka bertambahlah gembira mayat itu. Kemudian dilapangkan kuburnya seluas 70 hasta dan disinari cahaya baginya'.
Selimut Putih - hijjaz
Monday, March 30, 2009
Rasulullah -Shallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa 'Ala Alihi Wa Sallam bersabda:
"Orang mukmin yang bergaul dengan manusia dan sabar menghadapi gangguan mereka itu lebih baik dari pada orang mukmin yang tidak bergaul dengan manusia dan tidak sabar menghadapi gangguan mereka." (HR. Ahmad dan At-Tirmidzi)
"Orang mukmin yang bergaul dengan manusia dan sabar menghadapi gangguan mereka itu lebih baik dari pada orang mukmin yang tidak bergaul dengan manusia dan tidak sabar menghadapi gangguan mereka." (HR. Ahmad dan At-Tirmidzi)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
mune no doki doki
hyakunen buri no seikimatsu nake to iwarete boku wa waratta
hisakata buri no seikimatsu hiroi sekai e tobi dashite yuku
It's the end of a century after a hundred years; I was told to cry yet I laughed
It's the end of a century after a long time; I'll dash out to a broad world
kodomo no koro ni wakari kaketeta koto ga
otona ni natte wakaranai mama
Things that I was starting to understand when I was a child-
I grew up and I still don't understand them
eraku mo nai shi
rippa demo nai
wakatteru no wa mune no dokidoki
kotae demo nai hontou demo nai
shinjiteru no wa mune no dokidoki
mune no dokidoki dake
I'm not remarkable
I'm not even praiseworthy
What I understand is the pounding in my chest
It's not even the answer; it's not even true
What I believe in is the pounding in my chest
Only in the pounding of my chest
kakkoii ka wa wakaranai kedo osae kirenai yume wo mitanda
sakusen tatete jitto matsu yori kodomo no mama de butsukatte yuku
I don't know if it's cool But I had an irrepressible dream
Rather than pitching a plan and patiently waiting, I'll run into it still as a child
uchuu no hate ni hata wo tateta to shite mo
uchuu no nazo wa wakaranai mama
Even if I raised a flag at the end of the universe
I still don't understand the mystery of the universe
eraku mo nai shi
rippa demo nai
wakatteru no wa mune no dokidoki
kotae demo nai hontou demo nai
shinjiteru no wa mune no dokidoki
mune no dokidoki dake
I'm not remarkable
I'm not even praiseworthy
What I understand is the pounding in my chest
It's not even the answer; it's not even true
What I believe in
Is the pounding in my chest
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
two months

"zaman skrg,kalau tak bercinta tak boleh berkahwin?"
mungkin dulu saya pun menyokong pandangan ini.. era moden,zaman 2020..bukan zaman mak-mak kita..
kahwin pun keluarga tentukan..
tapi setelah saya melihat sendiri peristiwa baru-baru ni,saya mula rasakan kata-kata kat atas tu tak valid sama skali..
honestly,saya bukannya kalangan mereka2 yg selalu ikut 'kumpulan2 tertentu' life sama macam kita2 semua..takde istilah2 'sisters' brothers' atau sebagainya..
tapi ini bukan persoalan utama..
yg saya nak sampaikan,even kita bukan ikut mereka..ini tak bermakna kita tak mampu buat seperti mana mereka lakukan
as an example, my sister kenal suaminya for 2 months only and then mereka bertunang dan after 6 months they married..and i can see the beautiful of love after marriage..mereka macam org bercouple zaman skrg cuma yg membezakan hanyalah hubungannya halal..

besides that, my cousin told me yg dia akan bertunang next months..and they will get married next year..and she barely know her husband to be at is just they are in the same office
mostly,people around me know his partner not more than a year..dan kalau mereka bercinta terlalu lama..majority of them will break up and try to find another person.. don't need to know everything about your partner...
yg penting tawakal selepas istikharah...
even skrg zaman 2020,zaman moden..percayalah mereka yg pernah bercinta dan pernah putus cinta mahupun sedang bercinta sering mengingatkan mereka yg tidak bercinta agar tidak terjebak ke dalam alam percintaan..kerana mungkin lebih banyak kekecewaan,ragu-ragu dan ketidakpercayaan yg wujud melebihi kemanisan kerana apa yg dilakukan adalah salah dan haram...
maka...siapa kata kalau tak bercinta tak boleh kahwin??kalau tak bercinta pun masih boleh berkahwin kalau dah memang dia jodoh yang ditetapkan..kan..kan..=)

"biarlah kamu bercinta dengannya setelah dia menikahimu"
Monday, January 19, 2009
Why is the eating of pork forbidden in Islam?
The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is well known. The
following points explain various aspects of this prohibition:
1. Pork prohibited in Qur’an
The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less than 4 different places.
It is prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.
“Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine,
and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah.”
[Al-Qur’an 5:3]
The above verses of the Holy Qur’an are sufficient to satisfy a Muslim as to why
pork is forbidden.
2. Pork prohibited in the Bible
The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible
prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
“And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth
not the cud; he is unclean to you”.
“Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch,
they are unclean to you.” [Leviticus 11:7-8]
Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy
“And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud,
it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their
dead carcass.” [Deuteronomy 14:8]
A similar prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse 2-5.
3. Consumption of pork causes several diseases
The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced through reason,
logic and science. Eating of pork can cause no less than seventy different types
of diseases. A person can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm,
hookworm, etc. One of the most dangerous is Taenia Solium, which is in lay
man’s terminology called tapeworm. It harbours in the intestine and is very long.
Its ova i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of
the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it enters the heart it
can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can cause blindness, if it enters the
liver it can cause liver damage. It can damage almost all the organs of the body.
Another dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis.A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die.
In a research project undertaken in America, it was found that out of twenty-four
people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked the pork very
well. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal
cooking temperature.
4. Pork has fat building material
Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat
gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. It is
not surprising that over 50% of Americans suffer from hypertension.
5. Pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth
The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck,
faeces and dirt. It is the best scavenger that I know that God has produced. In
the villages they don’t have modern toilets and the villagers excrete in the open
air. Very often excreta is cleared by pigs.
Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are bred in very
clean and hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are
kept together in sties. No matter how hard you try to keep them clean they are
filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their own as well as their neighbour’s
6. Pig is the most shameless animal
The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only
animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate. In America, most people
consume pork. Many times after dance parties, they have swapping of wives;
i.e. many say “you sleep with my wife and I will sleep with your wife.” If you eat
pigs then you behave like pigs.
Why is the eating of pork forbidden in Islam?
The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is well known. The
following points explain various aspects of this prohibition:
1. Pork prohibited in Qur’an
The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less than 4 different places.
It is prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.
“Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine,
and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah.”
[Al-Qur’an 5:3]
The above verses of the Holy Qur’an are sufficient to satisfy a Muslim as to why
pork is forbidden.
2. Pork prohibited in the Bible
The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible
prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
“And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth
not the cud; he is unclean to you”.
“Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch,
they are unclean to you.” [Leviticus 11:7-8]
Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy
“And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud,
it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their
dead carcass.” [Deuteronomy 14:8]
A similar prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse 2-5.
3. Consumption of pork causes several diseases
The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced through reason,
logic and science. Eating of pork can cause no less than seventy different types
of diseases. A person can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm,
hookworm, etc. One of the most dangerous is Taenia Solium, which is in lay
man’s terminology called tapeworm. It harbours in the intestine and is very long.
Its ova i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of
the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it enters the heart it
can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can cause blindness, if it enters the
liver it can cause liver damage. It can damage almost all the organs of the body.
Another dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis.A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die.
In a research project undertaken in America, it was found that out of twenty-four
people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked the pork very
well. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal
cooking temperature.
4. Pork has fat building material
Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat
gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. It is
not surprising that over 50% of Americans suffer from hypertension.
5. Pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth
The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck,
faeces and dirt. It is the best scavenger that I know that God has produced. In
the villages they don’t have modern toilets and the villagers excrete in the open
air. Very often excreta is cleared by pigs.
Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are bred in very
clean and hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are
kept together in sties. No matter how hard you try to keep them clean they are
filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their own as well as their neighbour’s
6. Pig is the most shameless animal
The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only
animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate. In America, most people
consume pork. Many times after dance parties, they have swapping of wives;
i.e. many say “you sleep with my wife and I will sleep with your wife.” If you eat
pigs then you behave like pigs.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
fill in the blanks
live in a country that majority the people not really have religion or the muslim community are too small makes everything you do seems weird..
termasuklah pemakaian,percakapan,perbuatan dan segala 'per' lah..
the most basic things is clothes especially hijab..
and the second thing is wudu' and solat..
so,this time i would like to ask some help from anybody to fill in the blanks about wudu'...
situation 1
(i think woman more curious than man,so i put a lady instead of a guy)
a student want to perfom a prayer and she needs to pray at the faculty..
so,she have to take wudu' first in the toilet-sink(of course right?)
after finish have her wudu' a lady came to her and ask her questions
a lady: i'm sorry, may i ask you?what are you doing?
student: __________________________________
a lady: why you need to wash your face,hand, socks sometimes shoes?
a lady: why only face,hand and socks?
i can only think 3 questions,but if i have any questions more i will paste again..however can anybody help me fill in the blank?
and just a reminder, this people don't have belief and the way to answer this question is not the same way to the people that have belief as you need a right words to told them everything..
so,i hope anybody can help me answer those questions as i don't really know how to provide a right answer..
thank you for your kindness and help..and i'm a person who lack of knowledge and need to learn more..
termasuklah pemakaian,percakapan,perbuatan dan segala 'per' lah..
the most basic things is clothes especially hijab..
and the second thing is wudu' and solat..
so,this time i would like to ask some help from anybody to fill in the blanks about wudu'...
situation 1
(i think woman more curious than man,so i put a lady instead of a guy)
a student want to perfom a prayer and she needs to pray at the faculty..
so,she have to take wudu' first in the toilet-sink(of course right?)
after finish have her wudu' a lady came to her and ask her questions
a lady: i'm sorry, may i ask you?what are you doing?
student: __________________________________
a lady: why you need to wash your face,hand, socks sometimes shoes?
a lady: why only face,hand and socks?
i can only think 3 questions,but if i have any questions more i will paste again..however can anybody help me fill in the blank?
and just a reminder, this people don't have belief and the way to answer this question is not the same way to the people that have belief as you need a right words to told them everything..
so,i hope anybody can help me answer those questions as i don't really know how to provide a right answer..
thank you for your kindness and help..and i'm a person who lack of knowledge and need to learn more..
Thursday, January 8, 2009
father and son
Father and Son - Ronan Keating ft. Yusuf Islam
Just relax, take it easy
You're still young, that's your fault
There's so much you have to know
Find a girl, settle down
If you want, you can marry
Look at me, I am old
But I'm happy
I was once like you are now
And I know that it's not easy
To be calm, when you've found
Something going on
Take your time, think a lot
Think of everthing you've got
For you will still be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not...
How can I try to explain?
When I do, he turns away again
And it's always been the same
Same old story
From the moment I could talk
"I was ordered to listen"
Now there's a way, and I know
That I have to go away
I know, I have to go...
It's not time to make a change
Just sit down
And take it slowly
You're still young, that's your fault
There's so much you have to go through
Find a girl, settle down
If you want, you can marry
Look at me, I am old
But I'm happy
All the times, that I've cried
Keeping all the things I knew inside
And it's hard
But it's harder to ignore it
If they were right, I'd agree
But it's them they know, not me
Now there's a way
And I know that I have to go away
I know, I have to go.
this song is just great..
"learn when you have the time to learn,
think when you have the time to think,
play when you have the time to play,
and just remember that it is not always there"
Sunday, January 4, 2009
qunut nazilah
mungkin kamu ada membaca permintaan org ramai supaya baca qunut nazilah dalam solat fardhu...tapi kamu tahu tak apa qunut nazilah yg perlu dibaca?
marilah bersama2 membacanya untuk mendoakan saudara2 kita di palestin...insyallah..
اللهمَّ إناَّ نجعَلُكَ فِى نُحُورِ أعدَاءِناَ وَ نَعُوذُ بِكَ مِن شُرُورِهِم اللهم بَدِّد شَملَهُم و فَرِّق جَمعَهُم وَ شَتِّت كَلِمَتَهُم وَزَلزِل أَقدَامَهُم وَ سَلِّط عَلَيهِم كَلباًَ مِن كِلاَبِكَ يا قَهاَّر يا جَباَّر يا مُنتَقِم يا الله يا الله يا الله
اللهم يا مُنزِلَ الكِتاَبِ ويا مُجرِيَ السَّحاَبِ ويا هاَزِمَ الأَحزَابِ إِهزِمهُم إِهزِمهُم إِهزِمهُم وَانصُرناَ عَلَيهِم
Ya Allah,
Sesungguhnya kami meletakkan-Mu di batang-batang leher musuh-musuh kami,
Dan kami berlindung dengan-Mu daripada kejahatan-kejahatan mereka,
Ya Allah,
Leburkanlah kumpulan-kumpulan mereka,
Pecah-belahkanlah dan kacau-bilaukanlah persatuan mereka,
Goncangkan pendirian mereka,
Dan hantarkanlah anjing-anjing Kamu kepada mereka
Wahai Tuhan Yang Gagah Perkasa,
Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Menghukum,
Wahai Tuhan Yang bersifat Murka,
Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Ya Allah,
Wahai Tuhan yang menurunkan kitab,
Wahai Tuhan yang mengarakkan awan,
Wahai Tuhan yang menewaskan bala tentera al-ahzab,
Kalahkan mereka,
Kalahkan mereka,
Kalahkan mereka,
Dan menangkan kami ke atas mereka.
khaibar khaibar ya yahud
jushu Muhammad saufa ya'ud
mungkin kamu ada membaca permintaan org ramai supaya baca qunut nazilah dalam solat fardhu...tapi kamu tahu tak apa qunut nazilah yg perlu dibaca?
marilah bersama2 membacanya untuk mendoakan saudara2 kita di palestin...insyallah..
اللهمَّ إناَّ نجعَلُكَ فِى نُحُورِ أعدَاءِناَ وَ نَعُوذُ بِكَ مِن شُرُورِهِم اللهم بَدِّد شَملَهُم و فَرِّق جَمعَهُم وَ شَتِّت كَلِمَتَهُم وَزَلزِل أَقدَامَهُم وَ سَلِّط عَلَيهِم كَلباًَ مِن كِلاَبِكَ يا قَهاَّر يا جَباَّر يا مُنتَقِم يا الله يا الله يا الله
اللهم يا مُنزِلَ الكِتاَبِ ويا مُجرِيَ السَّحاَبِ ويا هاَزِمَ الأَحزَابِ إِهزِمهُم إِهزِمهُم إِهزِمهُم وَانصُرناَ عَلَيهِم
Ya Allah,
Sesungguhnya kami meletakkan-Mu di batang-batang leher musuh-musuh kami,
Dan kami berlindung dengan-Mu daripada kejahatan-kejahatan mereka,
Ya Allah,
Leburkanlah kumpulan-kumpulan mereka,
Pecah-belahkanlah dan kacau-bilaukanlah persatuan mereka,
Goncangkan pendirian mereka,
Dan hantarkanlah anjing-anjing Kamu kepada mereka
Wahai Tuhan Yang Gagah Perkasa,
Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Menghukum,
Wahai Tuhan Yang bersifat Murka,
Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Ya Allah,
Wahai Tuhan yang menurunkan kitab,
Wahai Tuhan yang mengarakkan awan,
Wahai Tuhan yang menewaskan bala tentera al-ahzab,
Kalahkan mereka,
Kalahkan mereka,
Kalahkan mereka,
Dan menangkan kami ke atas mereka.
khaibar khaibar ya yahud
jushu Muhammad saufa ya'ud
Thursday, January 1, 2009
forgive the sun who didn't shine
the sky had asked her in to dine
forgive the stars that heard ur wish
the moon prepared their favourite dish
forgive the rain for its attack
the clouds have tears they can't hold back
don't hate the birds cause they are free
don't envy all the things they see
don't block the wind, but hear its cry
or else that wind ma pass you by
forgive the earth that never turns
don't hate the sun, because too much burns
life intens to not cause pain
the flowers bloom from all the rain
the storm will come and it will pass
the sun that shines, it grows the grass
the wind it cannot help but cry
the stars at night light up the sky
forgive the world in which we live
we'll all find peace if we forgive
the sky had asked her in to dine
forgive the stars that heard ur wish
the moon prepared their favourite dish
forgive the rain for its attack
the clouds have tears they can't hold back
don't hate the birds cause they are free
don't envy all the things they see
don't block the wind, but hear its cry
or else that wind ma pass you by
forgive the earth that never turns
don't hate the sun, because too much burns
life intens to not cause pain
the flowers bloom from all the rain
the storm will come and it will pass
the sun that shines, it grows the grass
the wind it cannot help but cry
the stars at night light up the sky
forgive the world in which we live
we'll all find peace if we forgive
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